710 Day: Everything to Know About Vape’s Biggest Day of the Year
Published on June 10, 2022

by Dan Ketchum
No, 710 Day is not 420 multiplied by two, mostly because that would be 840 (you’re supposed to share that hemp cone blunt). It is kinda similar in that it does celebrate everybody’s favorite plant, but just like oil and flower, each celebration has its own distinct vibes.
The (very) unofficial holiday has some pretty interesting online origins, which’ll mostly make for great convo starters as you party in 710-friendly ways that would make Mama herself proud.
OK, What Is 710 Day?
OK, first up, we gotta talk about that whole 710 meaning. Similar to how “420” went from a certain time of day that a few California teenagers chose to smoke it up to a universal code word for weed, 710 is a (slightly more clever) code – it’s just “OIL” turned upside down. If you know, you know.
With that code in mind, celebrating the wonders of cannabis oil on July 10th has been catching on for more than a few years now. Leafly notes that there have been recorded 710 Day celebrations, like the 7/10 Cup in Colorado, since at least 2012. Weedmaps claims that the term “710” showed up on Urban Dictionary as early as 2010, while the indie hip-hop album “The Movement” was released in 2011 by Task & Linus with tracks like “7:10” and “Boil That Oil.” Album creator TaskRok perfectly nails the current mantra, though – he says 710 “belongs to the community now.”
How to Celebrate 710 Day (Hint: Smoke It Up)
710 Day also goes by the name Dab Day, so feel free to celebrate with a dab, which is using a highly concentrated, uh, dab of hash oil by rapidly extracting its THC with high heat, usually a torch or dab rig. But if you’d rather not deal with the mess and fuss of a dab rig, portable dab vapes and vape pens offer a more easygoing solution. Our live resin cannabis oil vape carts pack plenty of punch with over 70 percent THC and our cone blunt pre-rolls come infused with live or cured resin oil, too. And that’s 710-friendly AF.
In any case, pack your vape, tincture, wax, shatter, or whatever other type of concentrate you like (gotta stay on theme, you know) and appreciate the oil nature gave us with one or two of these Tough Mama-vetted festivities:
Rise and Shine
Some people pray or meditate on holidays – we make party-friendly weed, but even we know that not everything’s a party. Whether it’s all you do to observe 710 Day or it’s just the start of your festivities, load up a fresh cart and take a symbolic pull at 7:10 AM on 7/10. Pairs great with a little meditation, coffee in the yard or just listening to the birds sing.
Mix Oil and Water
As a date, 7/10 isn’t just “OIL” upside down, it’s also most likely going to be hot as hell. Good thing stoners and beaches (or lakes, we see you land-locked lovers) are like chocolate and peanut butter. Surfing, boogie boarding, sand volleyball, those weird little hot dog hibachis, bocce ball, or just zoning out to the sound of waves – they’re all legit ways to appreciate 710 that go oh-so-well with a dab or a pull.
Picnic With (Two Kinds of) Edibles
Usually, edibles are made with odorless, flavorless oil called cannabis distillate – in Tough Mama’s case, our YOLO SHOTZ are infused with the same cured resin oil as our prerolls – which means that they totally count for 710 Day. Pack your 710-friendly pick-a-nic basket, lead up to the event with a little hike if you’re feeling outdoorsy, and enjoy a warm breeze under the gentle sway of your favorite gummy, cookie, brownie, or beverage. We recommend euphoric sativa for this one.
Host the OILympics
OK, smoking weed does have some pretty verifiable health perks, but no one’s saying it’s going to turn you into an Olympian. You can totally host the Summer OILympics, though, which is a little bit more low-key and friendlier to people whose reps only involve lifting pens.
Cornhole? Check. Cup pong? The game of champions. A $20 badminton set? That’s more money left for hot chips. Bocce ball? Still leaves you one hand to smoke.
If you’re feeling extra generous, your OILympians can pool a few bucks together for gold, silver, and bronze medal prizes in the spirit of the holiday. Which is, you know, oil that gets you real high.
Dance Party to the OG
Whether it’s serendipity, truth, or just the internet being weird, TaskRock got all wrapped up in the origins of 710 Day, and now he’s like the spirit of Dab Day, the Santa Claus of 7/10. As it turns out, “The Movement” is still readily and cheaply available in full on Bandcamp. It’s the perfect, thematically apt backdrop to slam Yolo Shotz and start a dance party to. Maybe pop it off at 7:10 PM?
Here’s what we know about cannabis oil: it’s smooth, it’s easy to handle, and it facilitates having fun without a bunch of gatekeeping or stress. Bring that vibe to your 710 Day celebrations, big or small, and you’ll do just fine.
Dan Ketchum splits his time between Dallas and LA as a freelance lifestyle, fashion, health, and food writer with more than a decade of experience. In cannabis, been fortunate enough to collaborate with Cannabis & Tech Today, FOCL, Vitagenne, Reign Together, Mistifi, and more.