Author: Tough Mama

The Grown Up’s Guide to Getting Crossfaded

Published on November 21, 2022

getting crossfaded

by Dan Ketchum

When he first tasted a peanut butter cup in 349 BC, Aristotle said, “ah, two great tastes that go great together.” That’s the whole reason we have chicken and waffles, sweet and sour sauce, and that kind of peanut butter that already has jelly mixed in. It’s probably also why getting crossfaded is a thing in the first place. 

But are you still getting crossed like you’re a college freshman? Tough Mama would like to have a word with you about that. 

What Is Crossfaded? 

OK, it’s time to get all Urban Dictionary in here. Being crossfaded, a.ka. getting crossed, is a pretty simple state of being. According to most stoners’ definition, it’s just being high and drunk at the same time. Of course, it’s a slang term, so Merriam-Webster hasn’t chimed in or anything, but some people get a little more specific and say that crossfading is the act of being high and drunk in equal measure (how those people precisely measure highness and intoxication is anybody’s guess). 

And if you’re wondering if it’s just a stupid myth your friend who’s a career roadie always talks about, rest assured that it’s a real thing. The journal Cannabis even published a study in 2018 to see how many young people knew about getting crossfaded (though they hyphenated it as “cross-fading” just to make sure stoners would make fun of them). And a whopping 87% of the people asked had heard of it. But why’s the idea so popular, and should you get into it?   

Getting Crossed the Right Way 

You’re a grown-up now. You’re drinking legally, you’re smoking weed legally. You know the difference between top-shelf cannabis and straight-up reggie weed. We support you going hard, but if you’re gonna get crossfaded, you gotta do it with some self-respect (and a touch of safety) at this point in your journey. And also — no joke — with a touch of science. Turns out, Harvard Medical School’s Scott Lukas has done a couple of studies on how marijuana and alcohol interact with each other in your body. Now, everybody’s body is different in how it responds to weed and booze, but Scott found that smoking weed when you’re drunk has a higher likelihood of inducing dizziness and vomiting. Or, you know, feeling like shit.

Via Reddit

Here’s the golden discovery, though. One of his studies found when you’re high first and then drink alcohol, it can just about double the THC levels in your bloodstream, taking you from “real high” to “mega f**cking high.” That’s because alcohol can potentially increase the blood’s ability to absorb THC.  

Did you wake up expecting to get a Harvard perspective on crossfading today? Probably not, but you’re welcome. The trick here is the order of operations — just like your tĂ­o says, “weed then beer, you’re in the clear” — and focusing on staying buzzed, not f**cked out of your mind. That means not greening out, and not getting trashed, but complementing a nice light booze buzz with a couple of puffs. Do it right and that pleasant tipsiness mingles with your high so that you feel the complementary effects of both while the alcohol actually enhances the impact of the weed. 

Be Safe, Mama Loves You

Look, you know Tough Mama is all about getting uber stoned, so now’s a good time to remind you that we also care about taking care of your shit. You’re obviously not going to overdose on THC, but too much booze can wreck your central nervous system and mobility. And while we seriously don’t recommend mixing weed with booze, we’re grown-up enough to know that it’s just gonna happen sometimes.

So, if you are  going to experiment with getting crossed, save it for when your ganja tolerance is high (if you’re reading at Tough Mama, it probably already is), do it in a safe space among friends, and don’t do stupid shit like driving or operating a combine harvester, or weedeating your front yard, or whatever.

Always hydrate when you’re smoking or drinking, and hydrate even more when you’re getting crossed. It’ll help you maintain a buzz rather than nurture a bender, and you’ll appreciate it in the morning. If it gets to be too much, find a cool place to (literally) chill, as alcohol can cause your body to overheat. Don’t be afraid to call it a night with a big thermos of H20 and a long nap in a cool spot if crossfading just doesn’t agree with you.

Crossfading, Evolved 

As the company with the skateboarding gorilla for a mascot (love ya, Mama), we know a thing or two about evolution. With the rise of absolutely ass-kicking cannabis infused beverages, getting crossfaded might have just grown up right alongside you. And that means you can have the experience of smoking (or vaping) and drinking (or doing shots), while cutting alcohol out of the equation and focusing entirely on cannabis

Take Tough Mama’s own Yolo Shotz. Because each fruit-flavored bottle is packed with 100MG of Hi-Phi solventless cured resin, you’ll feel a euphoric high that sets in about 7-to-15 minutes after you take your shot or sip your Shotz-infused canna-cocktail (one bottle does about 20 cocktails or 10 shots for only $15 a pop, too, so it’s a lot cheaper than stocking up on Cüroc.) It’s one way to reach that state of crossfaded ecstasy, but without the voms and hangovers.

And maybe, just maybe, that’s the real grown-up way to get crossfaded — which is to say not getting crossed at all. 

(But still getting real high.)

30 Best Stoner Names for Your Pet, Baby, Boat, Bong

Published on November 18, 2022

best stoner names

by Cyrus Grant

Names are how we make ourselves distinguishable from others. They’re how you can go to the store and pick out some Tough Mama weed and know you got some good shit. They’re also just fun to give out to random things around the house. Whether you’re naming a baby, a pet, a plant, a bong, a boat, or whatever the hell you feel like, these are the perfect stoner names.

Weed and Slang Inspired Names 

  • MaryJane – An obvious classic. If it’s good enough for Spider-Man’s love interest, it’s good enough for your daughter
or bong
or whatever.
  • Reefer – Reefer? I barely know ‘er. Okay, but for real, a great stoner name.
  • Bud – Might seem generic to some crowds, but those who love bud will love Bud.
  • Flower – You’ll have some plausible hippie deniability with this one, but between us, we know which flower you’re talking about.
  • Doobie – It sounds cute and is weed related. Not really any more that needs to be said.
  • Herb – Who knew an old-man name was actually just a subtle stoner name?
  • Blaze – Maybe douchey, maybe awesome, definitely a stoner.
  • Green – Not all names have to be creative. If you like smoking green, make it a name.
  • Indica – For any laid-back and mellow person, pet, or item you’re trying to name.
  • Sativa – A perfect name for the more energetic and uplifting people/things in your life.
  • Kief – Sounds like a normal(ish) name, but it’s the precious little trichome powder slowly collecting at the bottom of your grinder.
  • Ganja – You’re not fooling anyone with this name, but it’s honestly beautiful.

Celebrity Inspired Names

  • Spicoli – After the infamous Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Pick this name for whatever needs some laid-back surf stoner vibes.
  • Bob – Anything Marley related is going to be auto-associated with weed. Bob is subtle, but between Marley, Dylan, and Ross, Bob is a certified stoner name.
  • Ziggy – You could honestly pick any of Bob’s kids’ names, but Ziggy just feels more stoner-y than the rest.
  • Cheech and Chong – Twins, cats, your two favorite smoking pieces. They are the perfect stoner names for anything that comes in pairs.
  • Snoop – After the one and only D-O-Double G, Snoop is a stoner icon, which makes his name a solid stoner name to choose for anything.
  • Willie – After yet another stoner legend, Willie Nelson, this is another name that can pass as a more subtle stoner name.
  • Scooby and Shaggy – For any duo that is destined to love Scooby Snacks. Or any snack, really.
  • Ricky Williams – Anyone who puts up crazy numbers in a professional sport and also drops the quote, “I got high, and forgot I wasn’t supposed to get high” deserves to have someone or something named after them.
  • Janis – While male celebrities might dominate the famous stoner lists, Janis Joplin is more than worthy of being considered when it comes to giving out stoner names.
  • Puff – You’re allowed to be a bit of a Bogart in the circle if your name is literally “Puff.”
  • Smokey – Smokey the Bear wants you to prevent forest fires. But with a name like Smokey, there’s no way you don’t burn something. Save the forests, burn some weed.
  • Wiz – A modern-day marijuana icon, Wiz Khalifa
  • Herodotus – Super deep cut, Herodotus was an ancient Greek philosopher who was writing about getting high back in 440 B.C..

Boat Themed Names (‘cuz boats need good stoner names too)

  • Sea Weed – Get it? Seaweed, Sea WEED? Yeah, you get it.
  • WeedyMcWeedFace – Everybody loves BoatyMcBoatFace. So, why not give it a nice weed-themed spin?
  • High Seas – Fun fact, the high seas are any saltwater that isn’t within a territory or state. Alternatively, it’s anytime you’re high on a boat.
  • Bong Water – Can you put ocean water in a bong? Probably, yeah.
  • Wake ‘n Bake – What do you call the little waves a boat makes? A wake. What do you do when you wake up? Bake. Run with the idea.

Now get out there and give your baby/pet/plant/boat/literally anything you want, a great stoner name. And next time you’re in the dispensary or online looking for high-quality weed that doesn’t mess around, look for the name Tough Mama.

Ask Mama: WTF Is Reggie Weed?

Published on October 25, 2022

what is reggie weed

by Tough Mama

Mama doesn’t talk to Reggie anymore. Look, we all have to start somewhere, but, we all have to move on to (literally) greener pastures someday, too. The point is, you may still be a little punk, but you can do better than Reggie weed. And as always, Mama’s gonna teach you how — here’s what you need to know to spot nasty Uncle Reggie when he shows up and how to make better life choices when it comes to your kush curation. 

Where Did This Shit Even Come From

Reggie, meaning “regular” if you follow weed culture mythos (but who really knows), weed is a kind of catch-all term for low-quality, low-grade, cheap, shitty, bottom-shelf weed. Like lots of slang, the name can be a regional thing — we say “Reggie” in LA, but you might hear ditch weed, skunk weed, schwag, shake, or whatever elsewhere. No matter what, the meaning’s basically the same.

While the rest of us civilized humans (and skating Mama apes) are living in a weed renaissance where many of our favorite strains are grown in extremely curated, controlled environments and naturally engineered by people way smarter than us, anyone can grow Reggie weed (even your dipshit Uncle Reggie). It’s usually grown outdoors in uncontrolled, totally unregulated spaces by complete non-professionals, and often shipped across the US border from Mexico in bricks. 

And you know what Mama always says: Nothing good comes shipped in bricks. Because it’s unregulated, Reggie weed can be just as full of twigs, seeds, and random plant parts as it’s full of pesticides and who knows what else.  

What’s It Like?

Since it’s basically just a general term for fairly shitty weed, Reggie can be a lot of different things. But in Reggie World, you’ll mostly find sativa-dominant strains ranking somewhere at a C- to B+ at f**king best, if we’re using a grade-school scale, in terms of quality.

Here’s the real kicker, though: most Reggie weed clocks in with THC levels around 15% to 18%. And that, my children, is really low. Long story short, calling it mild is, uh, putting it mildly. The moral of the story is that Reggie ain’t gonna get you very high, full stop. On top of that, its flavor profile (which might be kind of a generous description) is grassy, burnt, or smoky, and its smoke is usually harsh and scratchy, like inhaling a pile of leaves that your dad’s burning in the front lawn.   

Know Your Enemy: How to Spot Reggie Weed 

Luckily, especially since Mama happens to be a monkey, you don’t have to be a weed-ologist to spot Reggie weed with your own two eyes, 10 fingers, and two (hopefully) nostrils. Just use the senses that Mama gave you, including that common sense, and you can tell that weed is of the Reginald variety in a few different ways:

  • 👀 Use your eyeballs. Brownish, yellowed, gray, or pea-soupy tones are a good hint that you’re dealing with Reggie. So are lots of twigs, seeds, and other plant parts. 
  • đŸ‘ƒđŸœGive it a good sniff. Act like you’re classy enough to know wine, because Reggie weed almost never passes the smell test. Most of the time, it’s gonna smell like dirt, dry hay, old grass, or straight-up skunk.
  • đŸ‘‰đŸœ Feel it up. Is it dry, flaky, and airy? Does it crumble like leftover grass clippings? Does it leave weird dust all over your table? Congratulations, it’s probably Reggie. 

You Can Do Better

I ain’t smoked Reggie weed since back in the day when I first started smoking, that shit weak. I know wassup I stay smoking that loud shit.” — Urban Dictionary, 2017

The yin to Reggie weed’s yang is just straight-up good weed. So, remember that thing Mama said about THC levels? Let’s compare and contrast: while Reggie weed usually maxes out somewhere around 18% THC, punchy legit zaza like Tough Mama’s pre-rolls pack 25% to 35% THC. Good weed like that also has more terpenes for more tasty, complex scents and flavors as well as a more consistent burn rate, so it smokes smoothly.  

But how do you spot that loud shit with the naked eye? Here are a few green flags to look out for:

  • 💎 Crystals, crystals, crystals. Not the kind that your ex bought at Erewhon, but those sugar-like sprinklings and amber fuzzies on a nug are masses of trichomes, which indicate that the bud is rich in cannabinoids, terpenes, and T-H-C.
  • đŸ€€ Powerful scents. Most of the time, a top-shelf strain has a scent with an identity. You’re gonna notice it, whether it’s spicy, mossy, fruity or floral.
  • đŸ§œ A firm sponginess. That nug of weed should have a firm give, kind of like a tennis ball, which indicates a healthy density.
  • 💩 A little bit of that sticky. Enough hip-hop songs have taught you that you want that sticky kush, but really, you want it because a little stickiness means lots of trichomes, lots of resin (sometimes even on your fingers), and a well-moisturized plant.
  • 🍃 Vibrant colors. While Reggie weed is dull, the good shit is anything but. Deep emerald greens and even those hues of royal purple or dank orange are signs of quality

So now you know, and even better than that, you know that separating the good good from the Reggie weed is pretty easy to do when you know what you’re looking for. Even when you’re high as f**k.

Tough Mama’s Guide to Surfing San Diego

Published on October 18, 2022

surfing san diego best waves

by Cyrus Grant

Rolling waves, rolling joints, getting a high from nature — surf culture and stoner culture are really based on the same vibes. While not every surfer is the stereotypical long-haired pothead, if you surf it’s pretty likely you enjoy nature’s delicacies beyond just waves. Tough Mama gets it, and since she already offers some kickass weed, she decided to offer up some tips on kick-ass waves too.

Here’s Tough Mama’s guide to surfing San Diego.

California Beaches


Ah, Tourmaline. If you grew up surfing as a grom in San Diego, there’s a good chance this is where you fell in love with the ocean. Tourmaline is a super mellow wave, ideal for both longboarders and beginners looking for a gentle wave to ease them into one of the greatest hobbies on earth.

It does have to be said though, with the ever-growing popularity of surfing, Tourmaline can turn into an absolute zoo. But hey, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a crowd-free break that isn’t total shit.


Black’s Beach

Black’s beach, where you get world-class waves and a front-row seat to old dudes playing volleyball with their…uh balls out. Yup, Black’s is well known as the nude beach in San Diego, but don’t let that stop you from getting out and scoring some great waves.

The waves at Black’s Beach tend to be a bit bigger than other spots in San Diego, but they hold their shape well without too much closeout action. This spot is for surfers that are comfortable with bigger waves, and should be kept to intermediate to advanced surfers.

California Beaches


Swami’s is a spot that can cater to anyone from beginners to pros depending on the conditions. On most days you’ll find a soft sloping point break, ideal for longboarders and novices (and trust us, you’ll be dodging them like Neo dodges bullets in the Matrix), but on special days when the swell is cranked to the max, Swami’s can hold surfable waves up to double overhead.

You’ll definitely want to check out the conditions before paddling out depending on your skill level, but there are almost always waves to be had. But again, be careful of 10-foot logs flying at your head from every direction. Oh, and also this spot is a reef bottom, so try not to go for any head-first swan dives. After a day of battling the crowds at Swami’s, you’ll definitely want to have a  Tough Mama infused pre-roll ready and waiting for you to smoke straight out of the water.

California Beaches


Another top-notch wave in San Diego, Windansea has been the go-to spot for La Jolla surfing since way back in the day. Not only is Windansea an absolutely beautiful beach, but it also offers up an equally beautiful wave.

Unlike some other spots on this list, Windansea pretty much has one central break. So, even though the wave technically isn’t too difficult to surf (intermediate level), the compact structure of the wave makes for a much more difficult crowd experience. If you’re able to score a wave to yourself, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to throw some water and get your turns in. Just don’t expect the opportunity to open up very often.


Scripps Pier

If you’re an intermediate-level surfer looking for a beach break, look no further than Scripps Pier. Due to the sandbars shifting around, you should be able to find plenty of lefts or rights on either side of the pier. Scripps is also nice because it tends not to suffer from closeouts as much as some other beach breaks. 

Also worth noting, the waves are faster by the pier, so don’t be afraid to get close
just don’t try to shoot the pier unless you’re okay with having your face scraped off like old gum.

World Surf League

Lower Trestles 

Okay, this might be a little controversial since you get to Trestles from San Clemente, which is in Orange County, but technically Lowers is on the San Diego County line, so we’re sneaking it in here. 

Lowers is not just one of the best surf spots in California, it’s one of the best in the whole world. You’re likely to spot pros out there on any given day, and it’s even become the yearly stage for the WSL’s championship showdown. All of this goes without saying, this is a spot for advanced surfers that know how to jockey a lineup. To be honest, if you’re just learning about Lowers from this list, you probably aren’t good enough to go out there (for your safety and others). Luckily, there are plenty of friendlier options listed above! 

There you have it, the best spots to catch some waves in San Diego. Whether you’re looking to get high and cruise some ankle biters, or are looking to mellow out after a pumping overhead session, remember, Tough Mama has you covered! 

(Looking for more things to do in San Diego? Check out this guide to the best skate parks in the city, because Mama loves you.)

11 Best Stoner Cartoons to Watch While High

Published on October 11, 2022

best stoner cartoons

by Cyrus Grant

Whoever says cartoons are for kids is 1) super lame, and 2) has probably never sat back in their PJs and watched cartoons while stoned out of their minds. Tough Mama doesn’t listen to the haters, and neither should you. So, today we’re giving you a list of the best adult cartoons to watch while high.

Warner Bros

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Watch on Adult Swim and HBO Max

Hmmm how to describe Aqua Teen Hunger Force
. Well, basically, three sentient fast-food items live together and they
do stuff? Honestly, the show doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but for some reason, it’s exactly what you need if your stoned-out brain wants to watch a cartoon. Don’t question it, just let Meatwad, Master Shake, and Frylock lead you on a nonsensical cartoon adventure.

Disclaimer: Watching this show while high will more than likely bring about cravings for milkshakes and fries. Plan accordingly and stock up on some of your favorite munchies.


Rick and Morty

Watch on Adult Swim, HBO Max, and Hulu

Rick and Morty need no introduction. It’s one of the most popular shows around, and for good reason. It’s fast-paced, full of trippy adventures, funny, and surprisingly deep. Whether you just want a good high laugh, or you want a show that can provoke thoughts and feelings, you can’t go wrong with Rick and Morty

Just try and stay away from the weird gatekeeping “high IQ” fandom that unfortunately follows the show around like it’s some sort of Mensa-only club. Little do they know you can be high as a kite and still fully grasp the show.

South Park

South Park

Watch on Comedy Central and HBO Max

It’s a classic, and yet it’s still modern. South Park is one of the few shows that has been able to ever-expand its relevancy, and we’re totally here for it. From the old episodes to the new specials, South Park continues to push the boundaries of what you can put on TV. While you can’t actually spark up some Tegridy Farms weed (yet) and watch this show, we’re happy to let you know that Tough Mama’s pre-rolls and vape carts are top-notch and will get you plenty high for your cartoon-watching endeavors.

Adult Swim via Vulture

Smiling Friends

Watch on Adult Swim and HBO Max

The newest show to make our list, Smiling Friends is about two charity employees who just want to bring smiles and happiness into the world. While it doesn’t always go as planned for them in their little TV universe, it will bring a smile to your face when you’re watching this show high on your couch.



Watch on Hulu

A cartoon blast from the past, set in the distant future, Futurama is just a straight-up good show no matter how sober or stoned you are. Although many of the characters are outcasts in the future, they totally belong on your TV next time you want to get baked and watch cartoons.

Rotten Tomatoes

Robot Chicken

Watch on Adult Swim and HBO Max

Robot Chicken can best be described as an unhinged stop-motion sketch comedy series that often tackles pop culture references and parodies famous franchises. It’s really one of those shows that must have been made for stoners, in that it’s nearly impossible to watch when sober, but completely fascinating when you’re faded.


The Big Lez Show

Watch on YouTube

Okay, not gonna lie to you about this one. It’s super Australian and there’s a pretty good chance you’ll have no idea what the hell is happening. But Tough Mama be damned if it isn’t just inexplicably hilarious when you’re baked. There are so many selling points, but the pack of stoner sasquatches just resonates with us for some reason (okay maybe we just love big furry stoners, it’s kinda our thing).

Oh, and don’t be deterred by the clear lack of production budget, it’s worth all the pixels and more.


Beavis and Butt-Head

Watch on Paramount+

While Beavis and Butt-Head technically never did drugs in the show, there’s no doubt they bring big stoner energy. Like, who else just goes around laughing at everything? Anyways, there’s a proper way to watch this show, and it’s super stoned. 

A small warning — if you happen to watch any of the episodes where Beavis turns into “Cornholio,” there’s a good chance you’ll be walking around the rest of the day with your hands up and your shirt over your head. If you know you know.

Rotten Tomatoes

Mr. Pickles

Watch on Adult Swim and HBO Max

Mr. Pickles is, how should we say this
uhh, really fucked up. Like, satanic, murderous border collie levels of fucked up. It’s honestly kinda terrifying, BUT, it’s absolutely gripping when you’re high. If you have a dark sense of humor, you’ll no doubt find it super funny. 

Heads up, probably not a show for you if you’re prone to weird/bad dreams. But again, for those out there with slightly twisted minds, you’re welcome.

Rotten Tomatoes

The Boondocks

Watch on Adult Swim and HBO Max

Full of comedy, action, and ever-relevant social commentary, The Boondocks is a great show no matter what your current headspace is. It follows two black boys who move with their grandad to a predominantly white neighborhood, leading to a view of American culture that the show makes funny while also providing a clear critique of society.

If you haven’t watched it, you should. And feel free to spark up for an extra kick of entertainment.



Watch on Netflix

Similar to Futurama (more so in art style than content) but set in medieval times, Disenchantment has a magical feel to it, especially if you’re high. The pacing can get a bit weird, but when you’re stoned the fantastical setting is really what you’re there for. Enjoy the magic, and throw this on when you just need a cartoon that’s fun to look at. 

That wraps up our list of the best stoner cartoons to watch while high. Next time some Tough Mama products get you where you’re trying to go, pop on one of these cartoons and just soak it all in.

Best Weed Games to Play at Your Next Party

Published on October 4, 2022

best weed games

by Dan Ketchum

From the dawn of man — or at least from the dawn of ganja — weed has been totally inseparable from parties. And, look, we’re cool with zaza-powered late-night examinations of deep philosophy and the music-enhancing power of a huge blunt (until Devin busts out the acoustic guitar again, no one asked for that DEVIN). But why should booze have exclusive rights to the type of party games that elevate the vibe from a schmooze into a rager? Not on Mama’s watch.

So we’re making an official Tough Mama Declaration, right here, right now: smoking games are the new drinking games. End of story. Let the stoner games begin with this collection of new classics.

Medusa đŸđŸ‘ïž

Here’s a true classic starter, like basically the beer pong of weed games. In case you didn’t go to school or ever see the stoner masterpiece Clash of the Titans (get on that Ray Harryhausen trip, son), 

Medusa is a mythological hottie with snakes for hair who turns people to stone when they look her in the eye. So in this game, everyone has their own joint (shorties like our Mini Mofoz fit the bill perfectly) and they sit in a circle facing inward. Everybody puts their head down, and on the count of three, raises those heads up to stare at another random player. If you’re making eye contact with someone else, yell “MEDUSA” — whoever says it last has to take a hit.  

Ganjenga đŸ§±đŸ˜”

This twist on the party icon Jenga comes rec’d by Leafbuyer, and like regular Jenga, it’s great for a small get-together or for pulling a group aside at a bigger gathering. So you’re gonna need a Jenga set, a Sharpie, and, uh, weed. Obviously. Plus the willingness to ruin — or some might say, improve — that Jenga set.

It takes a little prep, but before the party, you’ll write rules on some or all of the blocks. Your choice. Stuff like “1 hit” to take one hit, “2 hits” to take a double rip, “eyes closed” to take your next turn blind, “leftie” to use your non-dominant hand next turn, “shotz” to take a Yolo Shotz sip. Whatever your weed-addled brain can come up with is fair game.  

Strip Choker 🃏👙đŸ©Č

This is strip poker, but with weed. Get a big-assed Infused Hemp Cone Blunt and get in a circle with your friends and friends-with-benefits. You’ll want to be very, very comfy friends; for real, make sure everyone’s 1,000% OK with this beforehand — sexual liberation is great but don’t be a creep. 

With that out of the way, everyone takes a big hit at the same time. First one to cough or exhale loses a single piece of clothing, and so on. Like that cheap Venice Boardwalk tee says: shit happens when you party naked. So let’s make shit happen.  

Don’t Smoke and Drive 🚭🎼

OK, smoking and driving isn’t as deadly as drinking and driving, but it’s time to retrofit the classic Mario Kart-powered drinking game “Don’t Drink and Drive” into the next classic weed game. 

Each player starts with a shorty, like Tough Mama’s .85-gram Mini Mofoz. That shorty must be fully smoked before crossing the finish line of a regular, four-player, three-lap race, but the catch is you cannot touch the controller and the joint at the same time. You must fully put that controller down when you’re smoking and you can only grab it again when the joint’s on the table. Suck it, chess, this is the real strategy game.  

It’s-a me, high as f**k.  

What’s in the Box? đŸ“ŠđŸ˜±đŸ’š

OK, think of this one like Fear Factor, but all you need is a cardboard box and some stuff that you probably already have around the house. Just cut a hand-sized hole in the box, which conceals a bowl full of something that feels as vile, weird, or surprising as possible. The game runner’s job is to switch out the bowl every round. Go for stuff like peeled boiled tomatoes, super cold ice cubes, slimy expired mushrooms, pudding with chunks of other food in it, wet tortilla chips, chicken livers, your exceptionally chill cat, however creepy or shocking you want to get. The touchers have to stay stone-cold stoic; any reaction equals a mandatory puff. Ideal for a Halloween bash or just the tough guys at the party with something to prove. 

Power Hour ⏰🍃

Elegant in its simplicity, beautifully dumb in its stoner-ness, Power Hour keeps the party flowing by keeping everyone higher than a giraffe’s ass for as long as you want. All you need is a (loud) timer. Set that timer for whatever interval you want — let’s say an hour for light stoners, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less for Tough Mama hardasses. Every time the alarm goes off, everyone has to take a toke (or a sip of Yolo Shotz).  

Or, if you don’t want to kill the vibe with a morning-shift PTSD-triggering alarm, take your drag or your weed-infused shot every time a new song shuffles onto the playlist. 

Bonus Round😼‍💹đŸč🎉

Here’s something beautiful, a Tough Mama party hack if you will: with a communal bowl of Yolo Shotz Party Punch, you can make any old-school drinking game into a new-school stoner game. Just replace the booze with a weed-infused punchy cocktail shot. 

For a punch bowl that serves about 40 shots with 2.5mg of THC in each shot, you can make a ginger-cran version a little something like this, served over ice:

  • 3 cups of cranberry juice
  • Two 12-oz. bottles of ginger beer
  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • Two shots of fresh lime juice
  • One Tough Mama Tropical Punch Yolo Shotz (100mg)
  • A hefty sprinkle of ginger sugar
  • Orange and lemon slices floating in the bowl  

Remember, a recommended normal Yolo Shotz serving is about 5mg of THC, so scale the recipe for how hard your group wants to go, or consider serving Yolo Shotz on their own so partiers can control the dosage individually. Once you’ve got a comfy dosage sorted, you’ve got a versatile smoking game companion. Beer pong? Take a shot when you get scored on. Quarters? Same deal. Kings Cup? You get the idea. For the best stoner games turnout, remember to be safe, get turnt, go hard, and be excellent to each other. Next up: the hunger games, because you will most definitely have the munchies.

14 Best Stoner Costumes for Your Next Halloween Party

Published on September 20, 2022

weed costume

by Cyrus Grant

When you come to Tough Mama’s house for Halloween, you’re guaranteed all treats, no tricks. But before making it to your next Halloween costume party, you’re going to have to go through the annual struggle of picking out the perfect costume (don’t even get Mama started on finding gorilla-sized costumes). So, we wanted to help out and give the people some sweet stoner costume ideas everyone is going to love.

Let’s jump right in!

Straight Up Weed Costumes

weed costume pot head

Pot Head

They say you can be anything you want if you really put your mind to it. This Halloween put your head in a pot and be
well, a pothead. And while you’re at it, might as well fully commit and have some Tough Mama pre-rolls on deck.

weed costume human bong

Bong Costume

For the DIY showstoppers out there, becoming a human bong is a surefire way to be the life of the party. Not to mention it’ll be pretty cool to see a giant bong hitting a regular-size bong at some point during the day/night. Some bong on bong action — we’re here for it.

weed costume bag of weed

Bag of Weed

What’s better than a bag of weed? Yup, a GIANT bag of weed. We’d recommend filling the costume with grass trimmings or something and bringing a separate giant bag of weed for ease of access.

Solo Character Costumes

weed costumes Tough Mama

Tough Mama

We had to start out with the legend herself — Tough Mama — because who wouldn’t want to be a skateboarding gorilla stocked with grade A weed?

weed costume towelie

Towelie (South Park)

“You wanna get high?” — Yes Towelie, we do. Just make sure you can back up the offer if you show up to a party quoting everyone’s favorite weed-smoking personified South Park towel.

weed costume the dude

The Dude (The Big Lebowski) 

No stoner Halloween party is complete without an appearance from the Dude (or multiple the Dudes, probably). The Big Lebowski character is an iconic stoner figure (and the movie is a firm favorite in our list of best movies to watch while high), and if the Dude abides, so should you.

weed costume spicoli

Spicoli (Fast Times at Ridgemont High)

If you have jeans, a button-up, and a bagel, congrats, your next stoner costume is ready to go. Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High is a wave riding, pizza ordering, stoner legend. Just remember the lesson Mr. Hand taught Spicoli before you show up to the party — whether it’s pizza or weed, make sure you bring enough to share.

weed costume argyle

Argyle (Stranger Things)

Argyle might be new to our hearts, but he’s an instant stoner icon, and a perfect source of stoner costume inspiration. Get yourself some 80’s print pants, a pizza shirt, and a visor, and you’re ready to go. Pizza and weed are optional
but highly encouraged.

weed costume michelle dazed and confused

Michelle (Dazed and Confused)

If you’re looking for a more feminine stoner to dress up as for your next party, Michelle from Dazed and Confused is serving up the perfect 70’s stoner queen vibes. All you need are Some 70’s style denim pants, a purple tube top, a fringed vest, and a big colorful necklace. Bonus points if you can play some soothing tunes on a guitar.

Couple and Group Costumes

weed costume lighter and joint

Lighter and Joint

Pick your favorite partner in crime and make your way to the party dressed as a lighter and a joint. Truly a match made in heaven. (Tough Tip: If you find yourself without a lighter in life, try out Tough Mama’s vape carts for some flame-free fun.)

weed costume cheech and chong

Cheech and Chong

If you’re looking for an easy and iconic duos costume, look no further than the legendary Cheech and Chong costume. And if you really want to nail down the details, try and recreate the facial hair
oh, and just be super high the whole time.

weed costume friday

Smokey and Craig (Friday)

If “you ain’t got shit to do” other than go to a stoner costume party, Smokey and Craig might be the perfect movie character inspiration. Just try and avoid racking up debts to dangerous drug dealers. In fact, skip the drug dealer and come straight to Tough Mama.

weed costume super troopers

Super Troopers

The idea of having a bunch of state troopers roll up to your stoner Halloween party sounds like a total buzzkill. But, there’s an exception if those state troopers are actually just a group in Super Troopers costumes. Just try and turn a blind eye to anyone “smoking the reefer” (that includes yourself).

Bonus: Meme Costumes

It’s no secret at this point — Mama loves memes. So, as not to upset her (and also because who doesn’t love a good meme) we’re throwing in some bonus costumes that turn you into your favorite meme. 

“Aight Imma Head Out”

When there’s only reggie weed at the party.

Confused Cat at Dinner

Them – “All of the kief keeps falling off the pre-roll!”

Me – *Super high off Tough Mama’s robot-infused pre-roll that doesn’t have that problem*

Dancing Disco Kid

When the Tough Mama sativa pre-roll kicks in and it’s just you and the vibes.

That wraps up our best stoner costumes for your next weed-themed Halloween party. But, before we let you go, another little Tough Tip: if you don’t have the time or energy to commit to a kickass costume, just show up to the party with some Tough Mama weed, and people will be just as stoked.

Let us know if you end up trying out any of these costumes at your next party, and definitely tag us in any pictures you post of them!

Ask Mama: What’s the Deal With Infused Pre-rolls?

Published on September 13, 2022

infused prerolls

Did you know that George Washington got smacked out his mind and invented the infused pre-roll on his hemp farm in 1790? You didn’t because that’s a total lie, but there’s a bunch of other more true stuff Mama can teach you about pre-rolls and infused pre-rolls. Because sometimes, it takes a good Mama to cut through all those tech bro marketing terms and get to the squishy heart of the blunt itself. 

So let’s get infused with knowledge about one of the trendiest (and most effective ways) to elevate your smoke, starting now.

Everything You Need to Know About Pre-rolls

Alright, let’s start at the beginning. When a vendor, brand, or seller pre-rolls weed into a joint for commercial sale on the shelves of your local dispensary or your, uh, local weed delivery app, that is a pre-roll. These handy joints take the guesswork (and the work work) out of rolling your own — because you don’t have to be swimming in cash like our buddy Snoop and hire your own personal joint roller to fast track your smoking sesh. Pre-rolls come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and are usually available in multi-packs or as singles.

If you’re brand new to the whole zaza thing, imagine a pre-roll like an off-the-shelf weed cigarette. The flower (usually about a half gram to a gram’s worth) is wrapped up in rolling paper like a smokeable tube and may or may not feature a filter. Pre-rolls can come in sizes ranging from adorable Mama’s-pinky-sized minis or big-assed cone blunts. They’re all valid in Mama’s eyes, just like her children.

and About Infused Pre-rolls, Too

So, you probably knew some of that stuff already, but if you didn’t, you’re a good student even though you’re a little high already, and Mama is very proud of you. Here’s where shit gets interesting.

To make that weed pre-roll a little more deliciously weedy and amp up the high, you’ve got the infused pre-roll. Basically, an infused pre-roll is a pre-roll joint that also features some form of concentrate. And concentrate is basically the best part of your favorite nug – all those terps, cannabinoids and sticky trichomes – distilled into a super potent form, like wax, resin (compressed cannabis solids), rosin (a mechanically separated cannabis concentrate), or kief (a.k.a hash, made by dry sifting weed through fine screens). 

You take that concentrate and – wait for it – infuse it into the pre-roll, and you’ve got an infused pre-roll. Sometimes the concentrate (or cannabis extract, in some cases) is infused inside the joint, sometimes it’s outside the joint, sometimes it’s both. There are a ton of different ways to make a pre-roll joint, which means a ton of fun and interesting ways to get different extra-potent highs, but trust Mama: some infused pre-rolls are just better than others. It is what it is.

How Other Brands (Pre) Roll

All kindsa different weed-makers make all kindsa different infused pre-rolls. The most basic kind just straight-up infuses the flower by soaking or spraying it with stuff like distillate oil and kief, done deal. Then there’s like a whole popular genre of infused pre-rolls called fuzzies, which you’ll see from big-ass brands like Jeeter and such. Fuzzies infuse the pre-roll by dipping it in liquid concentrate that is used to “glue”  the kief to the outside of the joint. That’s what makes it, you know, fuzzy. And all of this infusing, dipping, rolling, and coating serve the same purpose: to get you way higher. 

Because people are buying infused pre-rolls like they’re going out of style, you’re likely to see new products popping up at your local dispensary every time you hit them up. But take Mama’s word for it: those suckers are using fancy-pants packaging to appeal to that monkey brain of yours, but aren’t actually infusing their pre-rolls using even a little bit of TLC.

Why Mama Does It Better 

First off, because Mama doesn’t f**ck with fuzzies, you don’t have to deal with kief dust falling off the outside of your joint. Mama taught you to be tidy, and also, you shouldn’t need a goddamn lint roller to get high. 

But more than just keeping your Dickies clean, Tough Mama’s infused pre-rolls are all about making a more consistent product. No joke, our infused joints are literally precision dosed by robots designed by former NASA scientists. Who said getting ripped isn’t rocket science?  

What that robot-powered dosing does, aside from giving Mama a super good reason to brag, is that it ensures that every joint, blunt, and Mini Mofo has ex-act-ly the amount of oil listed on the label. And the method matters, too. What Mama does is infuse the pre-roll directly down the middle, for baby’s-ass-smooth, satisfyingly even burn. Those full-sized bad boys are infused with Live Resin freshly harvested from marijuana plant material while Mama’s minis are infused with Hi-Phi ℱ Solventless Cured Resin, so you don’t have to worry about any chemical nasties if you’re living that Cali clean life.

So, no kief dip means you don’t have to deal with the pre-roll equivalent of Hot Cheeto dust on your fingers while Tough Mama’s iconic infusion method deposits that line of concentrate smack dab in the center of the pre-roll. Think of it like a Twinkie that’ll get you real good n’ high. Or as a Donut Joint, thanks to the delish donut ring of flower that’s left as the concentrate bubbles away. 

Mama’s style makes for more even and consistent distribution of the concentrate, but Mama don’t skimp on the punch, either; each infused cone blunt packs a gram of weed, a quarter gram of oil, and some bonus terps, weighing in at a total of 1.6 grams, with twice the terpenes of other pre-rolls and about 25 to 35 percent THC content. 

And in the timeless words of Sir Winston Zeddemore: “That’s a big Twinkie.” 

6 Tough Mama Approved Skateparks in San Diego

Published on August 30, 2022

best skateparks in san diego

In San Diego, the roots of skate culture run deep. 

Local surf pioneers like Larry Gordon and Floyd Smith innovated modern board-making techniques back in the early ‘60s. Del Mar’s 1975 skate competition helped legitimize the sport in the eyes of the mainstream. Spots like the Escondido Reservoir and La Costa housing tract became such iconic skate spots in the ‘70s that their terrain would become the DNA for many a modern skatepark.

 If that’s not legit enough, the Carlsbad Skatepark – born in 1976 – was one of the first two skateparks on the planet (both of the OGs opened in the same month). Here’s how San Diego skateparks are keeping the culture alive, and six spots where you can see it thrive today.

San Diego skateparks Robb Field
Photo by Christian Cellular

The Mecca: Robb Field Skate Park

Daygo isn’t short on massive skate emporiums – look no further than beefy, 30K-plus-square-foot San Diego skateparks like Encinitas or Linda Vista for proof – but at 40,000 square feet of concrete, this 20-plus-year-old spot is something of a crown jewel.

Among all that space at Robb Field, you’ll find plenty of handrails, ledges, and blocks, plus a combo bowl, pump bump, and octagon volcano. Long story short, it offers everything but the kitchen sink, is big on wide-open blue-skies SD energy, and features more than enough space to make you feel cozy whether you’re a learner, a pro, or a spectator.

San Diego skateparks Chicano Park
Photo via On the Grid

For the Street Features (and the Art): Chicano Park Skatepark 

You don’t need all that size to be one of the best parks in San Diego, you just need vibes. Barrio Logan has good vibes in spades, and they all condense and explode in technicolor under the Coronado Bridge. Among some of the sickest street art in the city, you’ll find smooth and spacious features like a pyramid, quarterpipes, pool coping, and lots of ledges. As On the Grid puts it, “Not the most features for a skatepark, but a lot of real estate to play in a supremely unique setting.”

San Diego skateparks Washington Street
Photo via WVST

A Locals Only Park for Vet Skaters: Washington Street Skatepark

SD locals know Washington Street as a park built by skaters for skaters. In 1999, Daygo was running low on safe skate spots and police were cracking down on the culture with outrageous tickets, sometimes up to $300 (cue the “Skating Is Not a Crime” shirts – they were a thing for a reason). That’s why a non-profit group of volunteers – who still maintain the park, so don’t be a shit when you’re there – created Washington Street Skatepark. Here, you’ll find all-weather skating nestled under the Pacific Highway, free parking, no fees, no safety gear enforcement, speedy lines, kinky kinks, and a wild keyhole. Naturally, it’s boards only out here.

San Diego skateparks Imperial Beach
Photo via

Beachy Vibes: Imperial Beach Skate Park

You can’t scope out a skatepark in California without scoping out a good beach – enter the southernmost skatepark on the whole West Coast, Imperial Beach Skate Park. This small park with a 3-foot-high flow bowl (with extensions and taco), street features, simple rails, sloping banks, and a big hubba welcomes learners just as much as it beckons experienced skaters who just want to chill the f**k out. You don’t come to Imperial Beach for the street cred or the TikTok views, you come here to hit a hybrid and get mellow with a touch of ocean breeze on your face.

San Diego skateparks Krause
Photo via YMCA

All-Wheel Drive: Krause Family Skate & Bike Park

If you need a laid-back vibe that’s family friendly but not a total bore, Krause Family Skate and Bike Park at the Mission Valley YMCA is your ticket. It spans 60,000 square feet for a reason, and that reason is that it’s way more than just a skatepark. 

Krause packs massive permanent bike tracks as well as vert ramps, a pool, a BMX course, mini-ramps with spines and – maybe most notably for skaters – a full-assed skatercross skateboard racing track. Which is honestly f**king wild. It does charge membership fees (as little as $25 a month or as much as $360 a year, depending on your Y membership) but you’d be hard-pressed to find any other spot that hosts so many wheels in one big place.

San Diego skateparks Cesar Solis
Photo via Stray Rocket

Something for Everyone: Cesar Solis

Cesar Solis in Ocean View Hills kinda feels like San Diego came to life as a skate park – it’s big, it’s clean, it’s spacious and it’s as mild as an indica cone blunt. While it’s heavy on street style features, Solis has really got something for everyone, including a ramp-rail combo in the shape of a whale tail that sorta rules (we know you want that photo-op and we don’t blame you).

But the highlight here is thoughtful design; everything sort of just flows perfectly into the next thing, putting you right in the zone, letting you live in that sweet spot – and you should probably have a good high on while you chase that flowy feeling to its maximum.

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